Q: How do I order?

A: After browsing our product-list, you can send an e-mail to hiruman89@gmail.com or
call the following phone number : 0856938877554

Q: I placed an order or sent you a message, but have not heard anything from you

A: If you have waited until the date notedand you have not yet received an order confirmation e-mail, please contact me.
If you are sure you have placed an order but you have not received any emails from us PLEASE check your spam/junk/suspicious e-mail folders!  If you still can't find the email with order details, please post the problem in this blog.

Q: How do I pay the ordered items?

A: You can send the payment to the following account 123345467689090

Q: I want to cancel all or part of my order

A: That's easy! If your order has not yet shipped, just e-mail or call me to call up your order.
If you already tranferred the money to the mentioned account, just send me your bank account and we will transfer the money back into your account

Q: Isn't shipping going to be very expensive and take forever?

A: Timing from order to shipment
  • Orders entered immediately upon receipt by e-mails (soon to be able to be done online directly by the customer).
  • New orders immediately processed to show availability.
  • Upon receiving agreement from the customer, immediately start packing for invoicing.
  • Shipment sent as soon as possible once payment is received
  • To Indonesian Customer : 1-2 days
  • To Another Country Customer :  7-45 days (varies greatly by country)